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Cup o' Bug

A member registered Aug 14, 2020

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(1 edit)

Edit: Situation changed due to schedule. Will still be attempting the jam but can't promise time for team work.
  I would like to get in more practice working with a team, while focusing on my programming skills. This seems like a good one to do that. I'm off from my job on Wednesday and only need to account for online classes otherwise. I'm open to different engine options, my main experience so far being Unity (C#) and GoDot(GD), and otherwise learning how to program in C++. If anyone wants to team up I would like enough of a heads up so as to know what sort of essential logic to look into. My dev email is

I feel mixed about that because of something I read in the Animator's Survival Guide, which was pretty much you make more progress without music. I've never really tried working to music.

Become thine own coder?


I'm not sure how to interpret this theme, will have to think

I like it

Sounds useful

Truth. I've  found even a specific plan tends to derail as challenges appear, but a plan  is always good 

Noice. NPC specific?

The new extra, translation, is very appealing to me, but it leaves me wondering if the player needs to per se understand the synthetic languages created. I imagine that would help.

  What thoughts do you all have about the new extra?

It's cool, I also got some tips on the extra credits jam discord.

A lot of the responses comes back to rest, taking breaks, chilling, etc.

Thanks for the response, good tips


As a preparation for the jam I set up a personal jam from the 14th to the 18th, and found it wasn't so much fun as "Nice", until the deadline day as my plans were disrupted and the mood shifted more towards "Stressed, but Done"

I like the idea of making the process of game development fun and enjoyable throughout, but I can't really think of how to go about that.

What have you guys done to make it more fun for you?